Sunday, July 18, 2010

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Program . . .

This is a challenging post. First, it's not green oriented, so "off-topic" charge could be leveled. Second, I'm touting myself, so the cynic could sardonically ask what about the five qualities of the Green Knight's star, or where's the license for shameless self-promotion?

I don't have answers but to say that if a writer must write, then when that writing gets published a writer must engage his/her brand. And tomorrow begins my life as a published book author.

Arcadia Publishing releases my pictorial history of New Garden Township (Pa.) for its Images in America series. I've got my own ISBN (139780738572673). I'm permanently lodged into the Library of Congress. My resume attains added luster. (Now, I await the call from Hollywood!)

Green-wise, the tome will be available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble websites, so if you are so moved to purchase, do so without driving!

I now return you to your regularly scheduled, albeit sporadic, green programming . . .

This Tuesday, 7/20/10 between 6 - 8, Green Drinks will be served at 821 Chelsea Tavern on Market Street in Wilmington, DE (for those living in close proximity of the Green Write). Lori Lake is once again in charge, the weather will be warm, the drinks cold, and the palavers about all things green should be incisive. And of course, wherever you live, you can see if Green Drinks are served by checking the global schedule on the top banner at

Friday, July 9, 2010

GreenTV: Initial Encounter!

Did the Green Drinks networking event in Newark on Tuesday and met Lori and Jon Lake, green mavens, entrepreneurs, and all-around good folk from Delaware. Check out their baby -- GreenTV -- at Humorous. Fun. Informative. Provocative. Be prepared to spend some time at GreenTV getting a conscience-ful amount of keen ideas to keep this good old earth (or at least life on it) spinning greenly. This is but a brief entry as a new job has kept me busy this week. More to come this weekend.
Be green. Be great.