Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Clean Energy Investment Race: China Repeats Gold

The Pew Charitable Trust's Environment Group released its latest Clean Energy Investment report today. Not surprising, China remains at the fore, contributing more than $54 billion in 2010 to clean energy technology. Germany took silver with more than $41 billion invested, and the US dropped to third, even though its clean energy investments increased 50% to more than $34 billion. Italy, the first country to achieve grid parity between traditional fossil fuel and renewable fuels, followed in fourth place, just under $14 billion, just out of (but very much in) the "money." It seems the green business trend is alive and well, especially in those countries that promote an environment of cooperation via national policy. Because European countries - for the most part - have national policies that embrace green energy technologies, investors put their money where it is less likely to encounter political ambivalence which tends to produce development (and subsequently, ROI) delay. The Pew Charitable Trusts Environment Group website has posted a summary of report (with a fun, interactive world map) and a download of the entire report. The report is a curious aggregate of statistics, issues, and international motivation. It's conclusions are reassuring. Take a read.

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