Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Green Write Re-commences

After an 8-month hiatus because I was handling the social media marketing for Vitalize Consulting Solutions, Inc., I renew my intent to deliver insight, information, and a wow-factor or two here on The Green Write.

Topics will attain orbit around green initiatives, ideas, practices, but, hey, it's a blog and I can go off on tangents when I want, right?

So, as I begin my second half century on this planet, and AARP begins regular, frequent delivery to my mail box, I'm hopeful that I can provide some value, humor, & poignance for those who tarry here momentarily.

For example, consider the insidious effect on a couch potato's ticker from both sex and exercise as reported here.

Or check out my new (local) favorite green business - Tangent Energy Solutions. This company helps commercial and industrial enterprises use less energy and even create energy to give back to the grid by tapping a company's own "behind the meter grid." Kinda cool and quite forward thinking.

Til next post, remember Frost's immortal words " Nature's first green is gold -"

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