Saturday, June 26, 2010

Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge

A good friend always encourages working on the solution, not focusing on the problem. After all, a solution awaits; the problem is history. Consider the gulf oil spill. Or any oil spill. Consider all the finger pointing at any ecological boogey man: industrial emissions, toxic run-off from mineral mines, poisonous leaching into the ground, nuclear waste.

Disasters happen and somebody takes the fall, perhaps rightly. But you'd think that maybe, once in a while, an ecological disaster would be averted, neutralized by some bolt of inspiration. Instead of waiting to form a solution once the problem commences, a solution -- or two or three -- was already in place.

Only a cynic possessing extreme conviction could admit that no disaster is ever averted -- or inadvertent; after all, what kind of headline is "good news" worth? Still, efforts continue to ameliorate potential, looming disasters. But without interest, few of these stories ever get to a mass audience.

Ergo, The Green Write. And today's post links to and a summary of winners in the annual Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge. The first link is the article. The second is the EPA website that explains the PGCCA.

So, if you know of any chemists worthy of national recognition for green practices -- for heading off future problems by addressing solutions now, let 'em know about this.

I'm thinking my friend Ron Simonetti and his MCR, LLC are deserving.

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