Friday, June 18, 2010

BP's Big Problem

I couldn't help but wonder as the Gulf disaster has unfolded, why, despite the extreme physics involved, a faster, swifter, surer solution wasn't readily at hand. How can an enterprise fraught with high risk not have a number of backup plans? While has some poignant (read: funny) parodies on the catastrophe, none of these are solutions. And while the public laughed at Kevin Costner's technology to clean the oil from the water, his is an effort at cleaning up the mess as it is happening. Yet, the disaster continues with experts saying the leak is more than a month away from being shut down. The great mystery? Business and politics, it seems. Costner testified before the Senate this week. The following link gives a clue as to why BP has egg all over its face and the Gulf has oil all over.

Here's the link to Costner's venture:

And another link to Microsorb:

More will follow on oil collection technologies, but it seems a grassroots effort to demand having worst-case-scenario solutions in place henceforth would be something the government should legislate. Like emergency response after 9/11, perhaps environmental emergency response will be the upshot of this disaster. We'll see.

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