Monday, June 14, 2010

Bill Gates & Spent Nuclear Waste Recycling

Perhaps another example of cradle to cradle, closed-loop industrial process is an idea Bill Gates has been backing for a few years now - using spent nuclear waste to generate power. A recent investor infusion of a cool $35 million dollars is enabling the idea -- only on paper right now -- to move forward.

But what a concept! Take the waste of those controversial, Homer-Simpson-operated nuclear plants and burn it further into more energy, thus eliminating those toxic, nuclear wastes while providing requisite energy. No more Yucca Mountain controversies?

The following link at provides and exclusive overview of the latest round of fund-raising and background on the idea.

Of course, nothing is mentioned about the waste that will be generated from Gates' plant -- to what degree would it be harmful or harmless.

Still, it's a green idea worth following.

Enjoy the read: http://http//

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